 -> Receivers
   -> Futaba R617FS
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General Information

R617FS Channel Map for Helicopter use

Channel Description
1 Cyclic roll [left/right roll] (Aileron)
2 Collective pitch [up / down] (ELEvator)
3 Throttle
4 Rudder
5 Gyro Gain. Important to use Ch5 for Gyro Gain.
6 Cyclic pitch [forward/backward] (Pitch)
7 Governor (if used) otherwise spare


Note: On a helicopter with electronic CCPM (cyclic collective pitch mixing) the servos on channel 1 and channel 6 both work in pairs. Their function cannot be identified as a pure Cyclic roll or pure Cyclic pitch. Correct behaviour is defined and configured in the transmitter using servo reversal (if necessary) to ensure the swash plate is tilting correctly. That is:

Collective Pitch: All three servos move up and down in unison (throttle stick)
Cyclic Roll: Swash plate tilt to the right when moving the roll/pitch stick to the right (seen from the tail)
Cyclic pitch: Swash plate tilt forward when moving the roll/pitch stick moved forward (seen from the tail)


Nice compact 7channel receiver compatible with the Futaba 2.4GHz FASST (Futaba Advanced Spread Spectrum Technoogy) system. The receiver fits nicely into the compact and limited space of an Align TREX250 helicopter.

The documentation is a little (as usual) minimum. Here are some notes:
- Channel 7 is also marked with the letter (-B-). Giving you the impression that this is the point of connection for receiver power. However power can be connected on all channels.

Connection Diagram:
- Yellow; Control Signal to Servos
- Black: Ground reference for power supply from BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuit) and power feed to Servos
- Red: Positive power rail for power supply from BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuit) and power feed to Servos