FUTABA 10CP 2.4GHz FASST 10Channel Transmitter
Programming the radio for the ALIGN TREX250 Helicopter
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Table showing how the radio has been configured for the Align TREX250.

Some general comments.
- Low Voltage Beep when transmitter voltage <8.5V
- The transmitter seems to drop about 200mV per 6-7minute flight
- The beeper is hard to hear. Just about OK with a quiet TREX250 helicopter. I'm pretty sure it is almost useless with a noise nitro machine

Menu Category SubMenu Comment Configuration
BASIC D/R,EXP Dual rates and Exponential Switch = B
Activate D/R and EXP = Position UP

Not Active:
Channel1 Aileron: D/R=100%, Exp = 0%
Channel2 Elevator: D/R=100%, Exp = 0%
Channel4 Rudder: D/R=100%, Exp = 0%

Channel1 Aileron: D/R=100%, Exp = -15%
Channel2 Elevator: D/R=100%, Exp = -15%
Channel4 Rudder: D/R=100%, Exp = -5%

BASIC END POINT I noticed that the swash plate linkage rods where driven "out of range" or binding with max pitch combined with max cyclic roll and cyclic pitch.

Tried to adjust individual servo end points to compensate. Discovered this does not work for an H3 CCPM swash config. The individual servos become none linear (when moving in a CCPM setting)as the radio treats the end point range as a full throw for each servo. CH1,2 and 6 must have the same endpoints in an H3 CCPM Swash configuration.

Channel1: Aileron = 100 / 100
Channel2: Elevator = 100 / 100
Channel3: Throttle = 140 / 140
Channel4: Rudder = 100/100
Channel5: GyroGain = 100/100
Channel6: Collective Pitch = 100 / 100
Channel7: Auxiliary = 100/100

Note for reference (Futaba has defined the following)::
CH1 - 4 is defined as 40 degrees servo throw = 100% endpoint
CH5 - 7 (and 8) is defined as 55 degrees servo throw = 100% endpoint

BASIC SUB-TRIM   Channel1: Aileron = -31
Channel2: Elevator = -32
Channel3: Throttle = 0
Channel4: Rudder = 0
Channel5: GyroGain = 0
Channel6: Collective Pitch = +18
Channel7: Auxiliary = 0
BASIC REVERSE   Channel1: Aileron = NORMAL
Channel2: Elevator =  NORMAL
Channel3: Throttle = REVERSE
Channel4: Rudder = NORMAL  (this depends on which way you twist the tail belt! )
Channel5: GyroGain = NORMAL
Channel6: Collective Pitch = REVERSE
Channel7: Auxiliary = NORMAL
BASIC TRIM   Aileron = 4
Elevator = 4
Throttle = 4
Rudder = 4
BASIC THROTTLE-CUT Very useful as emergency switch. As it is long and easy to quickly flick with your left hand little finger.

Thus minimise the crash damage. Saved me many times!


Rate = 0%
Throttle = 100% (Throttle stick has to be below this value before throttle re-engage after a throttle cut operation. Decided not needed on the TREX250 so left the value at 100%.)
Switch = F
Position = DOWN
BASIC SWASH AFR Automatic Function Rate
Set the rate (Travel) of the set of servos involved in a function

Collective is calibrated to give about 13 deg in IDL2

Aileron and Elevator is calibrated to ensure that servos don't go passed limits in IDL2 mode with max pitch and max on Aileron/Elevator. (Cyclic roll/cyclic pitch)

Aileron = -55% (start with 50% for a nice steady hover and move up)
Elevator = +55% (start with 50% for a nice steady hover and move up)
Collective Pitch = +41%

This method is trading a more lively responds on cyclic roll and cyclic pitch in order to ensure safe operation of the servos for extreme movements of the sticks in IDL2 mode (IDL2 as defined on on this webpage). The only way to safely increase the values for Cyclic Roll (Aileron) and Cyclic pitch (Elevator)is to install stick movement limiters on the radio. (Mechanical ring fitted onto the cyclic stick preventing movement into the corners (which is the source of the problem)

BASIC F/S Fail Safe
Channel 3: Throttle
F/S = 1%, i.e. cut throttle if signal is lost. Thus, let the helicopter fall to ground.

NOR = Normal. Servos retain their last position just before the Error situation happened
FailSafe = Move servos to a pre-programmed position

BASIC AUX-CH   Channel 5 = NULL, Note Channel 5 is GyroGain. When Gyro Sense = Active, Channel 5 is Automatically associated with Ch5 and is overriding whatever is configured in this menu
Channel 6 = ---
Channel 7 = VR(C). I use this channel to program a LiPo voltage guard unit mounted on the heli.
BASIC PARAMETER Automatic Travel Limit is relevant for Nitro machines only, but doesn't hurt in the Trex250 setup so left ON. Type = Helicopter
Swash = HR3 (120deg CCPM)
Module = 2.4GHz / 7 Channel (using the Futaba R617FS receiver)
BASIC REVO. MIX Rudder control...
 if Gyro is not used
BASIC TIMER   Timer1 set to 7 minutes countdown. Start when throttle stick crosses 11%. (up).  Reset when Switch A = Down.

Normal mode:
I decided to alter the throttle curve such that headspeed is retained with good marging below midstick position. Reason is that an overreaction when pull-back on the stick generates a double negative if headspeed is lost, and the heli hits the ground as a consequence.

Set midstick throttle at 85% according to manual to keep rotospeed below maxspeed.

Throttle Curves
Mode: Normal   Idle Up1 Idle Up2 Idle Up3
Stick Position Output Stick Position Output Output Output
100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 %
82,0 % 100,0 % 75,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 %
65,0 % 98,0 % 60,0 % 98,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 %
60,0 % 98,0 % 50,0 % 85,0 % 85,0 % 85,0 %
50,0 % 85,0 % 40,0 % 98,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 %
35,0 % 85,0 % 25,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 %
0,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 %


Pitch curves were derived as follows:

1/ Set collective pitch curve to 100%
2/ Reduced SWASH AFR Pitch setting until Pitch Gauge show 13degrees
3/ This is defined as max performance in IDL2
4/ Adapt performance for Normal and IDL1 as shown in tables

My experience is that IDL1 definition is nice and stable to control, yet you need this "power" if the conditions are e.g. windy.

If you take it down to max pitch at e.g. 9 degrees. make sure you fly in a "no wind" condition.

Pitch Curves
Mode: Normal Normal   Idle Up1 Idle Up1 Idle Up2 Idle Up2
Stick Output Pitch Stick Output Pitch Output Pitch
100,0 % 80,0 % 10,4 100,0 % 90,0 % 11,7 100,0 % 13,0
90,0 % 64,0 % 8,3 90,0 % 72,0 % 9,4 80,0 % 10,4
70,0 % 32,0 % 4,2 70,0 % 36,0 % 4,7 40,0 % 5,2
50,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 50,0 % 0,0 % 0,0 0,0 % 0,0
30,0 % -15,0 % -2,0 30,0 % -36,0 % -4,7 -40,0 % -5,2
10,0 % -15,0 % -2,0 10,0 % -72,0 % -9,4 -80,0 % -10,4
0,0 % -15,0 % -2,0 0,0 % -90,0 % -11,7 -100,0 % -13,0
ADVANCED GYRO SENSE Gyro Gain settings MIX = Active
Switch = Conditional (this implies that it follows the conditions listed underneath)

Rate-NORMAL = AVC 24%
Rate-IDL1 = AVC 22%
Rate-IDL2 = AVC 22%
Rate-IDL3 = AVC 22%
Rate-HOLD = NOR 15% (this way it possible to test the tail movement before take-off, Flick HOLD switch and test the tailblades responds to Rudder input.)

ADVANCED REVO.MIX Relevant if not Gyro present Inhibited
ADVANCED THR-HOLD Throttle Hold POSI = -50% (slow turn on the rotor for vibration check)
ADVANCED HI/LO-PIT Maximum travel Pitch. Maybe used to change hi/lo side of pitch curve in-flight.
(Not used)
HI-PITch = 100%
ADJ = Manual
LO-PITch = 100%
ADJ = Manual
ADVANCED OFFSET Trim data Inhibited
ADVANCED DELAY Smoothing delay when jumping between the various modes (Normal -> IDL1 etc)
Futaba defines 50% = 0,5seconds
AILE = 20%
ELEV = 20%
RUDD = 0%
THRO = 20%
PITC = 20%

(Note; there is no way to enter the servo speed into the radio. Thus, there is no(!) correlation to the actual gyro speed which Bob Finley states in his excellent FUTABA 10C video)

ADVANCED THROTTLE-MIX For nitro machines Inhibited
ADVANCED THR_NEEDLE For nitro machines Inhibited
ADVANCED PROG:MIX1-6   Inhibited
ADVANCED CONDITION SELECT Sets the switch associated with CONDITION found in the Throttle and Pitch curve menu IDLE-UP1 = Switch E in CENTRE position
IDLE-UP2 = Switch E in DOWN  position
IDLE-UP3 = Inhibited

THR-HOLD = Switch G in DOWN position

NORMAL mode is then defined as Switch E in UP position as this position is not defined by any of the Condition settings above.