
JAVA Security

With JAVA release 1.7 Oracle changed the security regime related to how JAVA Runtime Environment (JRE) allow Applets and downloaded JAR files to run. If the Applet or JAR file is unsigned (privatly generated keys are treated as unsigned) and request acceess to system resources such as files or communication channels, the domain delivering the Applet or JAR file must explicitly accepted as safe by the client owner.

Here's how to do this:

Screen Description
Open the JAVA control panel. (This is loacted in the control panel on Windows machines)
Select the tab Security. Then edit the exception site list. Add the following entries:
  • http://kestral.no:80/
  • http://www.kestral.no:80/
  • Note: The exception site list can also be editted as a file: The location of the file is:
    OS Location
    Windows \LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.properties
    UNIX ${user.home}/.java/deployment/deployment.properties
    Mac OS X ~/Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/deployment.properties

    Example from Windows:

  • FOLDER: C:\Users\loginname\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security
  • FILE: exception.sites